Ensuring energy efficiency of settlements in Ukraine and EU countries: legal, economic and managerial aspects Journalartikel uri icon


  • The study examines energy and energy-related environmental policies in the international context and their impact on the economy and businesses in the context of energy efficiency. The focus is on Ukraine's integration into the European energy market and the legislative features of energy policy. The purpose of the article is to determine the content and features of the administrative and legal regime for the use of solar energy facilities in Ukraine in the light of ensuring the requirements for the viability of human settlements. The tasks of the article were to determine the EU energy efficiency policy, its economic and regulatory justification, which can be adapted to the needs of meeting the energy needs of Ukraine in the crisis conditions of war, and to determine the strategy for the development of energy efficiency of settlements in post-war conditions. The study used general scientific and special methods, the main of which were: abstract-logical, deductive, inductive, historical, modelling and forecasting, methods of system structural, system and functional analysis, economic-statistical (grouping, comparison, etc.). As a result, the authors conclude that the reason for this is its clear advantages over traditional sources, which are difficult to refute. In some countries, the government is implementing complex public programmes with huge financial investments for gradual replacement, but so far the results remain insignificant. Ensuring an adequate level of energy efficiency in Ukraine requires the activation of processes of harmonization of the current national legislation with the standards of the EU energy and climate policy, which is connected with: amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine in order to create conditions for attracting investors to the market of energy services; further processes of decentralization of the energy system and the spread of alternative, independently separated energy subsystems and energy resource traders; formation of artificial raw materials as sources of thermal energy.


  • 2024


  • Peer-Reviewed


  • Open Access


  • Riga, Latvia


  • 2


  • 10


  • 85

letzte Seite

  • 95


  • 296

International Standard Serial Number (ISSN )

  • 2256-04742 (Print) 2256-0963 (Online)