ausgewählte Veröffentlichungen Journalartikel Audio- and Location-Based Interface Generator Using Laravel and iBeacon (ALBIGen). International Journal of Design, Analysis and Tools for integrated Circuits and Systems. 2018 Person tracking and statistical representation of person movements in surveillance areas. International Journal of Design, Analysis and Tools for integrated Circuits and Systems. 2018 Konferenzpaper AI-powered real-time analysis of human activity in videos via smartphone.. Cognitive Computing and Internet of Things. AHFE (2023). 34-44. 2023 Automated generation of synthetic person activity data for AI models training. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Human Interaction & Emerging Technologies (IHIET 2022): Artificial Intelligence & Future Applications. Hrsg. Schlosser, Max. 88-96. 2023 Automated generation of synthetic person activity data for AI models training. Artificial Intelligence, Social Computing and Wearable Technologies. 2023 How a Few Custom Keycaps Make Keyboards More Ergonomic and Reduce Eye Movement by 35%. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Human Interaction & Emerging Technologies (IHIET 2022): Artificial Intelligence & Future Applications. 2022 Bestimmung der Güte trainierter neuronaler Netze mittels eines generischen Annotationssystems. Tagungsband der 19. Nachwuchswissenschaftlerkonferenz. 2018 Ein Objekt-Tracking-Verfahren zur Verfolgung von Personenbewegungen in Überwachungsbereichen. Scientific Reports 2018, Digitalisierung in Industrie und Gesellschaft - Arbeiten und Leben im Umfeld der 4. Industriellen Revolution. 242-246. 2018 Entwicklung eines Systems zur Erstellung annotierter Trainingssets bezüglich der Umlauffähigkeitsbewertung von Banknoten. Tagungsband der 19. Nachwuchswissenschaftlerkonferenz. 2018 Entwicklung eines holistischen Systems zur Erfassung und Klassifizierung von Aktivitätsdaten mittels CNNs. Tagungsband der 19. Nachwuchswissenschaftlerkonferenz. 2018 Workshop: Virtuelle Welten. Scientific Reports 2018, Digitalisierung in Industrie und Gesellschaft - Arbeiten und Leben im Umfeld der 4. Industriellen Revolution. 228-228. 2018 Sammelbandbeitrag How a few custom keycaps make standard keyboards more ergonomic and reduce eye movement by 40%. 13th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2022). 2022 Autonomous Language Learning with Augmented Reality – An Individual Case Study. Human Interaction, Emerging Technologies and Future Systems V. Hrsg. Ahram, Tareq. 760-767. 2021 Modular Image Synthesizer for Annotated Test Sets on Incremental Parameter Fields. Intelligent Computing. 810-822. 2021 ARTranslate - Immersive Language Exploration with Object Recognition and Augmented Reality. Proceedings of The 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference. 356-362. 2020 An Exploratory Study on the Perception of Optical Illusions in Real World and Virtual Environments. Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics. Mental Workload, Human Physiology, and Human Energy. 161-170. 2020 Investigating the Influence of Optical Stimuli on Human Decision Making in Dynamic VR-Environments. Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality. Design and Interaction. 453-467. 2020 Real-Time Activity Detection of Human Movement in Videos via Smartphone Based on Synthetic Training Data. 2020 IEEE Winter Applications of Computer Vision Workshops. 160-164. 2020 Real-Time Video Stream Reduction on Mobile Devices for Generation of Ground Truth Data for Indoor Localization. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 246-254. 2020 University of Applied Sciences Mittweida and Chemnitz University of Technology at TRECVID ActEv 2019. Proceedings of TRECVid 2019. 2020 A Scalable System Architecture for Activity Detection with Simple Heuristics. 2019 IEEE Winter Applications of Computer Vision Workshops (WACVW). 2019 Adaptation of Machine Learning Frameworks for Use in a Management Environment. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 190-197. 2019 An Exploratory Inspection of the Detection Quality of Pose and Object Detection Systems by Synthetic Data. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 287-294. 2019 Anpassung multipler ML-Frameworks der Personen- und Ortserkennung zur Verwendung in der EMSML-Umgebung - Analyse und Entwicklung eines generischen Workflows. IBS Workshop Media Computing. 59-72. 2019 Bildbasierte Aktivitätsanalyse mittels dezentraler Prozessinstanzen auf der Grundlage einer einheitlichen Datenbasis. IBS Workshop Media Computing. 73-86. 2019 Impact of Motivational Factors on the Learning Process in the Use of Learning Management Systems: An Empirical Study Based on Learners’ Experiences. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 278-283. 2019 Lexicon-Based Sentiment Analysis of Online Customer Ratings as a Quinary Classification Problem. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 75-80. 2019 Optimization of Project Management Processes Using the A* Project Management System (AStarPM). Communications in Computer and Information Science. 78-85. 2019 Synthetic Ground Truth Generation for Object Recognition Evaluation. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 295-302. 2019 University of Applied Sciences Mittweida and Chemnitz University of Technology at TRECVID Instance Search 2019. Proceedings of TRECVid 2019. 2019 Use of Multiple Distributed Process Instances for Activity Analysis in Videos. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 320-327. 2019 Visual System Examination Using Synthetic Scenarios. Intelligent Human Systems Integration 2019. IHSI 2019. 418-422. 2019 ALBIGen - A Framework to Create Managed and Distributed Digital Signage Systems Based on Laravel and iBeacons. HCI '18: Proceedings of the 32nd International BCS Human Computer Interaction Conference. 1-5. 2018 Development of a Holistic System for Activity Classification Based on Multimodal Sensor Data. HCI '18: Proceedings of the 32nd International BCS Human Computer Interaction Conference. 1-4. 2018 Investigating the Influence of CPU Load, Memory Usage and Environmental Conditions on the Jittering of Android Devices. Proceedings of the 2018 VII International Conference on Network, Communication and Computing. 102-106. 2018 Synthetic Ground Truth Generation for Testing, Technology Evaluation and Verification (SyntTEV). HCI '18: Proceedings of the 32nd International BCS Human Computer Interaction Conference. 1-3. 2018 University of Applied Sciences Mittweida and Chemnitz University of Technology at TRECVID 2018. Proceedings of TRECVid 2018. 2018 Ausprägung von Verhaltensprofilen zur Navigation für KI-Bots in Unity. INFORMATIK 2017. Hrsg. Eibl, Maximilian. 1663-1675. 2017