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- Evolve - Magazin für Bewusstsein und Kultur Zeitschrift
- Excellence in Supervision and Coaching Training: Considerations Journalartikel
- Exchange bias and diffusion processes in laser annealed CoFeB/IrMn thin films Journalartikel
- Exchange Bias Realignment Using a Laser-based Direct-write Technique Konferenzpaper
- Excimer laser deposition of super-hard coatings Konferenzpaper
- Excimer Laser Technology Konferenzband
- Excimer-Laser Assisted Deposition of Carbon and Boron Nitride-Based High-Temperature Superconducting Films Konferenzpaper
- Excimerlasermikrostrukturierung Konferenzpaper
- Excitation and ablation of P3HT with spectral shaped ultrafast mid-IR laser radiation Konferenzpaper
- Excitation and ablation of P3HT with spectral shaped ultrafast mid-IR laser radiation Konferenzpaper
- Experimental and bioinformatic approaches for analyzing and visualizing cyanobacterial nitrogen and hydrogen metabolism Journalartikel
- Experimental and Theoretical Determination of the Effective Penetration Depth of Ultrafast Laser Radiation in Stainless Steel Journalartikel
- Experimental Biology and Medicine Zeitschrift
- Experimental study of the control of cavitation-induced erosion created by collapse of single bubbles using a micro structured riblet Journalartikel
- Experimental study on double-pulse laser ablation of steel upon multiple parallel-polarized ultrashort-pulse irradiations Journalartikel
- Experimental Study on Laser Surface Texturing for Friction Coefficient Enhancement Konferenzpaper
- Experimental Study on Micro Hole Drilling Using Ultrashort Pulse Laser Radiation Sammelbandbeitrag
- Experimental study on the ablation of stainless steel using multiple ultra-short laser pulses with tunable time delays Journalartikel
- Experimentelle Strömungsmechanik: 28. Fachtagung Konferenzband
- Experimentelle Untersuchungen zum Bohren von Mikrolöchern mit Ultrakurzpulslaserstrahlung Konferenzpaper
- Explicit and Implicit Force Control of an Industrial Manipulator - An Experimental Summary Sammelbandbeitrag
- Exploration maschineller Verfahren zur Entwicklung eines methodischen Frameworks zur Evaluierung wissenschaftlicher Texte im Forschungsmanagement Dissertation
- Explorative Studie zur computergestützten Analyse im Bereich Fahrsimulationen Konferenzpaper
- Exploratory Analysis of the News in Easy Language (NiEL) Corpus to Identify Characteristic Patterns for Natural Language Processing Konferenzpaper
- Exploratory Study of Established Strategy Games in the Context of Knowledge Transfer Based on Selected Learning Objects from the Economic Field Sammelbandbeitrag
- Exploring the Impact of Seasonal and Political Cycles on International Financial Markets Journalartikel
- Extended formulations for convex hulls of some bilinear functions Journalartikel
- Extending the capabilities of ultra-fast high-power two-dimensional polygon mirror scanning to ultraviolet wavelength Konferenzpaper
- F1000 Research Integrierende Ressource
- F2-Laser Microfabrication of Diffractive Phase Elements Konferenzposter