Schneider, Lutz
Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
- Mitarbeiter, Laserinstitut
ausgewählte Veröffentlichungen
- Formation of Nano- and Micro-Scale Surface Features Induced by Long-Range Femtosecond Filament Laser Ablation. Nanomaterials. 2493. 2022
- Polygon-facilitated generation of colloidal gold nanoparticles by multi-MHz ultrashort-pulse laser trains: key optical factors. Laser Physics Letters. 016101. 2021
- High-Precision Surface Profiling Using Multi-Hundred Watts Ultrashort Pulse Lasers and Ultrafast Polygon-Mirror Based Scanner. Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering. Hrsg. Mauersberger, Stefan. 2020
- High-Rate Laser Surface Texturing for Advanced Tribological Functionality. Lubricants. 33. 2020
- Time-resolved visualization of high-repetition ultrashort pulse laser ablation. Applied Optics. 452. 2020
- Hochrate-Lasertechnologie für die Mikrofabrikation. Maschinenbau - Das Schweizer Industriemagazin. 2017
- High Rate Laser Processing of Metals Using High Average Power Ultrashort Pulse Lasers. Lasers in Engineering. 31-50. 2017
- Experimental study on double-pulse laser ablation of steel upon multiple parallel-polarized ultrashort-pulse irradiations. Applied Physics A. 644. 2016
- High-throughput machining using a high-average power ultrashort pulse laser and high-speed polygon scanner. Optical Engineering. 2016
- High throughput processing with femtosecond lasers. The Laser User Magazine. 2015
- High-pulse repetition frequency ultrashort pulse laser processing of copper. Journal of Laser Applications. 2015
- Untersuchungen der Partikelemissionen bei großvolumigen Laser-Ablationsvorgängen. Scientific Reports 2023, 13. Mittweidaer Lasertagung. 87-94. 2023
- High-Rate Laser Processing of Metals Using High-Average Power Ultrashort Pulse Lasers. Proceedings of the 38th International MATADOR Conference. 135-152. 2022
- Pump-probe imaging for process control and optimization in high-speed laser micro machining. Proceedings Volume 11268, Laser-based Micro- and Nanoprocessing XIV. 112681H. 2020
- Zeitaufgelöste Visualisierung von Ultrakurzpuls-Laserprozessen mit schneller Strahlablenkung. Scientific Reports 2019, 11. Mittweidaer Lasertagung. 142-145. 2019
- Bio-inspirierte Funktionalisierung von technischen Oberflächen durch Hochrate-Lasermikrostrukturierung. 12. ThGOT Thementage Grenz- und Oberflächentechnik und 5. Kolloquium Dünne Schichten in der Optik, Tagungsband. 2017
- Großflächige und schnelle Funktionalisierung von technischen Oberflächen mittels Ultrakurzpuls-Laserbearbeitung. Scientific Reports 2017, 10. Mittweidaer Lasertagung. 37-42. 2017
- Study on high-average power ultrashort pulse laser processing of AISI 304 stainless steel. Proceedings of 39th International MATADOR Conference on Advanced Manufacturing. 2017
- High-throughput machining using high average power ultrashort pulse lasers and ultrafast polygon scanner. Imaging, Manipulation, and Analysis of Biomolecules, Cells, and Tissues IX. 2016
- Hochrate-Laserbearbeitung mit Hochleistungs-Ultrakurzpulslaser und Polygonspiegelscanner. Lasermaterialbearbeitung in der digitalen Produktion, DVS-Berichte. 138-147. 2016
- Aufbau und Untersuchung einer Verzögerungsstrecke für die Doppelpuls-Laserablation mit ultrakurzen Pulsen. Scientific Reports 2015, Lasertechnik. 201-205. 2015
- Simulation der Temperaturverteilung in Gold und Platin infolge der Bestrahlung mit ultrakurzen Pulsen. Scientific Reports 2015, Lasertechnik. 175-178. 2015
- Einzelpulsabtrag von Metallschichten mit ultrakurzen Laserpulsen unterschiedlicher Pulsdauer. Scientific Reports 2015, Lasertechnik. 196-200. 2015
- Erzaufschluss mittels Lasertechnologie. Scientific Reports 2015, Lasertechnik. 217-220. 2015
- Experimental Study on Laser Surface Texturing for Friction Coefficient Enhancement. Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering. 245-253. 2015
- Lasermikrobearbeitung mit hochrepetierenden Ultrakurzpuls-Lasersystemen. Scientific Reports 2015, Lasertechnik. 12-16. 2015
- Process optimization in high-average-power ultrashort pulse laser microfabrication: how laser process parameters influence efficiency, throughput and quality. Applied Physics A. 847-855. 2015
- Reibwerterhöhende Funktionalisierung von Oberflächen mittels gepulster Laserstrahlung. Scientific Reports 2015, Lasertechnik. 118-123. 2015
- High-PRF Ultrashort Pulse Laser Processing of Copper. Proceedings of International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics. 2014
- Highspeed Laser Micro Processing using Ultrashort Laser Pulses. Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering. 161-168. 2014
- Highspeed Laser Micro Processing using Ultrashort Laser Pulses. Proceedings of 6th International Congress on Laser Advanced Materials Processing. 2013
- Characterisation of interaction phenomena in high repetition rate femtosecond laser ablation of metals. Proceedings of International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics. 949-958. 2012
- Micro processing of metals using a high repetition rate femto second laser: from laser process parameter study to machining examples. Proceedings of International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics. 2011
- 3D micro machining with a high repetition rate ultra short fibre laser. Proceedings of 5th International WLT-Conference on Lasers in Manufacturing. 549-554. 2009
- An ultrafast femtosecond fibre laser as a new tool in Rapid Microtooling. Proceedings of 5th International Congress on Laser Advanced Materials Processing. 2009
- Mikrobearbeitung mit hochrepetierender Ultrakurzpuls-Laserstrahlung. Scientific Reports, Journal of the University of Applied Sciences Mittweida. 50-56. 2009
- Mikrobearbeitung mit hochrepetierender Ultrakurzpuls-Laserstrahlung. Lasermagazin. 32-33. 2009
- Material processing with highly repetitive femtosecond laser pulses. Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium on Laser-Micromachining. 2008
- Materialbearbeitung mit kurzen und ultrakurzen Laserpulsen. Lasermagazin. 20-21. 2008
- Experimental Study on Micro Hole Drilling Using Ultrashort Pulse Laser Radiation. Physics Procedia. 157-166. 2016