Konferenzposter RDF
Seiten:- Maschinensimulation für Zerspanungsprozesse in Virtual Reality auf Basis von NC-Programmdaten
- Mathematical modelling of Anopheles mosquito breeding site for efficient vector control
- Mechanisms driving the spread of HRP2/3 deletions -a modeling approach
- Meditation based Life Modification, Spiritually informed Yoga and Mantra- Meditation in mental Health Care
- Metal ions and sugar puckering balance single-molecule kinetic heterogeneity in RNA and DNA tertiary contacts
- ms-sALEX-TIRF microscopy for the detection of single molecule dynamics down to milliseconds
- Multi-Burst Mode Picosecond Laser Processing of Steel
- Möglichkeiten photogrammetrischer und laserscanbasierter Methoden zur 3D Dokumentation humaner Knochenmaterialien. 97. DGRM_P-049
- Omic-basiertes Monitoring des Wasserstoffentstehungsprozesses mit Rhodobacter sphaeroides
- Optimierung der Strahlenschutzeinhausung für UKPL-Maschinen
- Photophysical investigation on the interaction between Pt(II) complexes and an RNA G-quadruplex
- Position separation of discriminative sequence motifs in protein domains of unknown functions
- Posterpräsentation mit 3 Postern
- Preparation of Single and Multilayer Films of Boron Carbide, Titanium Diboride and Hexagonal Boron Nitride Using Pulsed Laser Deposition.
- Professionalisierung in der Tutor_Innenqualifizierung
- Protecting people in long-term care facilities from COVID-19 by routine testing of employees - a modeling approach
- Protecting people in long-term care facilities from COVID-19 by routine testing of employees - a modelling approach
- Proteinproduktion ohne Lebewesen - Entwicklung eines in vitro Expressionssystems für (Cyano)Bakterien
- Pulsed Xenon flash lamp treatment for surface cleaning applications
- Quantum Computing for Efficient Learning in Prototype-based Vector Quantization
- Reading plant ITS2-sequences with nanopores and polymerases - first insights to pros and cons
- Site-specific two-color labeling of long RNAs for single-molecule FRET
- Solargestützte Erzeugung von Wasserstoff und Biogas
- Spatial Updating Based on Visually Signaled Self-motion in Virtual Reality
- Spectroscopic Pump-Probe-Reflectometry of NIR Excited Silicon
- Structure topology prediction of dicriminative protein sequence motifs in domains of unknown function (Poster: Position separation of discriminative sequence motifs with protein domains of unknown functions)
- Strukturiertes ta-C als alternative Verschleißschutzschicht für mechanisch belastete Oberflächen in Knie-Endoprothesen
- Studying the splicing and folding of the wild type group II intron Sc. ai5γ at non-physiological and near-physiological conditions
- Studying the splicing of the wild type group II intron Sc. ai5γ at non-physiological and near-physiological conditions
- Technologische Planungsalgorithmen für ERP-Systeme in der metallverarbeitenden Industrie