Konferenzposter RDF
Seiten:- From in vitro transcription to biophotonic assays: a complete RNA production line including RNA labeling Ausstellung
- Galvanic deposition of Iridium as catalyst for PEM electrolyzers
- Gleichstellungswissen wissenschaftlichen Personals an sächsischen Hochschulen -eine Bestandsaufnahme
- Gleichstellungswissen wissenschaftlichen Personals an sächsischen Hochschulen –eine Bestandsaufnahme
- Grundlagen zur laserinduzierten Schockwellenanregung in Asphaltkörpern
- High-rate laser texturing for advanced coating substrate preparation
- HIPS - A Virtual Reality Hip Prosthesis Implantation Simulator
- Hochrate Micro / Macro Cladding – Grundlagen und Perspektiven: Lasertagung Jena 2014
- Hochrate Micro / Macro Cladding: TAW-Symposium "Thermisches Beschichten mit laserbasierten Fertigungsverfahren" Dresden
- Hochrateglätten von Edelstahl mittels 5 kW Multimode-Laser
- How Far is It? Distance Estimation and Reproduction Through a Double 3 Telepresence Robot
- Identification of genetic variants associated with cryptorchidism in German Sheep Poodle
- Identifying functional synonymous and non-synonymous Mutations by means of coarse-grained energy-weighted Residue-Residue Contact Networks: A Case Study of human HGPRT mutations leading to Lesch-Nyhan disease
- Industrial Augmented Reality: 3D-Content Editor for Augmented Reality Maintenance Worker Support System
- Industrial Augmented Reality: Concepts and User Interface Designs for Augmented Reality Maintenance Worker Support Systems
- Industrial Augmented Reality: Connecting Machine-, NC- and Sensor-Data to an AR Maintenance Support System
- Industrial Augmented Reality: Lessons learned from a long-term On-site Assessment of Augmented Reality Maintenance Worker Support Systems
- Industrial Augmented Reality: Requirements for an Augmented Reality Maintenance Worker Support System
- Industrielle Anwendungen der Lasertechnologie
- Influence of Processing Parameters and Particle Size Distribution on the Mechanical Properties of AM Components
- Integrating Tactile Feedback in an Acetabular Reamer for Surgical VR-Training
- Interpretable Machine Learning for the Prediction of Pharmacological Properties of Small Molecules
- Into the genome of the German Sheep Poodle
- Investigation of laser micro structuring of spintronic stack layers using a highly - repetitive femtosecond laser
- Investigation of NiCr-alloy thin film structuring using femtosecond laser
- Konferenzposter
- Laser Beam Sintering of Coatings and Structures
- Learning by doing: integrating bioprocess engineering and undergraduate education
- Long reads for microbial bioaerosol surveillance
- Make diversity measure great