ausgewählte Publikationen Artikel SoNA: A Knowledge-based Social Network Analysis Framework for Predictive Policing. International Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems. 147-156. 2017 ePaper Towards Predictive Policing: Knowledge-based Monitoring of Social Networks 2015 Semantic Tools for Forensics: A Highly Adaptable Framework 2012 Journalartikel Multi-proximity based embedding scheme for learning vector quantization-based classification of biochemical structured data. Neurocomputing. 126632. 2023 Measuring Competence: Improvements to Determine the Degree of Opinion Leadership in Social Networks. International Journal On Advances in Internet Technology. 97-109. 2020 Towards a better understanding of students in the entry phase of their studies. CSERC '20: Proceedings of the 9th Computer Science Education Research Conference. 1-7. 2020 A Comprehensive Framework for High Resolution Image-based 3D Modeling and Documentation of Crime Scenes and Disaster Sites. International Journal On Advances in Systems and Measurements. 1-12. 2018 Simulation of diffusion using a modular cell dynamic simulation system. In Silico Biology. 129-142. 2017 Towards substrate-independent age estimation of blood stains based on dimensionality reduction and k-nearest neighbor classification of absorbance spectroscopic data. Forensic Science International. 1-8. 2017 MoNA: Automated Identification of Evidence in Forensic Short Messages. International Journal On Advances in Security. 14-24. 2016 Initial experience in the application of the PowerQuantTM System and the Investigator ESSplex SE QS kit for a DNA analysis. Forensic Science International. 2015 eProS—a database and toolbox for investigating protein sequence–structure–function relationships through energy profiles. Nucleic Acids Research. D320-D326. 2013 Konferenzpaper Opinion Leaders in Star-Like Social Networks: A Simple Case?. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Advances in Information Mining and Management (IMMM). Hrsg. Labudde, Dirk. 33-38. 2018 The Infiltration Game: Artificial Immune System for the Exploitation of Crime Relevant Information in Social Networks. Proc. 7th. International Conference on Advances in Information Management and Mining (IMMM). Hrsg. Labudde, Dirk. 24-27. 2017 Towards Drone-assisted large-scale Disaster Response and Recovery. Proc. 1st. International Conference on Advances in Computation, Communications and Services (ACCSE). Hrsg. Hamrioui, Sofiane. 5-10. 2016 Konferenzposter Möglichkeiten photogrammetrischer und laserscanbasierter Methoden zur 3D Dokumentation humaner Knochenmaterialien. 97. DGRM_P-049 2018 Sammelbandbeitrag Novel Computational Techniques for Thin-Layer Chromatography (TLC) Profiling and TLC Profile Similarity Scoring. 13th International Conference: Beyond Databases, Architectures and Structures. 2017 Evaluation of Descriptor Algorithms of Biological Sequences and Distance Measures for the Intelligent Cluster Index (ICIx). Beyond Databases, Architectures and Structures. Advanced Technologies for Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. 2016 SequenceCEROSENE: a computational method and web server to visualize spatial residue neighborhoods at the sequence level. BioData Mining. 6. 2016 eQuant - A Server for Fast Protein Model Quality Assessment by Integrating High-Dimensional Data and Machine Learning. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 419-433. 2016 Characterizing Protein functions: large scale Screening and classification of structural motifs. 3DSIG - Structural Bioinformatics and Computational Biophysics. 2015 eProS - A Bioinformatics Knowledgebase, Toolbox and Database for Characterizing Protein Function. 11th International Conference - Beyond databases, Architectures and Structures (BDAS). 2015 eProS - An online Toolbox, Knowledgebase and Repository for Protein Energy Profiling. International Conference on Applied Informatics for Health and Life Sciences. 2013
bearbeitet/e wissenschaftliche Arbeit Masterarbeit Energy profile-based function analysis of globular andmembrane proteins Promotion Promotion von Florian Heinke betreut von Labudde, Dirk
Weitere Projekte MINT-KOMPASS-Studieneingang: KOMpetenz in der Lehre und PASSgenauigkeit in der Beratung