Publikation RDF
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- Thermale Fingerabdrücke für Software Tasks Sammelbandbeitrag
- Thermo-elastic wave model of the photothermal and photoacoustic signal Konferenzpaper
- Thermoelectrohydrodynamic convection in parallel plate capacitors under dielectric heating conditions Journalartikel
- Thin Solid Films Zeitschrift
- Thin Solid Films Konferenzband
- Third Mission und angewandte Forschung im Sport - Herausforderungen, Potentiale und Best Practice Beispiele Sammelbandbeitrag
- Thrombosis Research Zeitschrift
- Time Resolved Optomechanical Investigations on the Interaction of Laser Radiation with Glass in the Femtosecond Regime Konferenzpaper
- Time Synchronization for Mobile Construction Assessment Sammelbandbeitrag
- Time-resolved investigations of plasma and melt ejections in metals by pump-probe shadowgraphy Konferenzpaper
- Time-resolved visualization of high-repetition ultrashort pulse laser ablation Journalartikel
- Time-resolved white-light interferometry for ultrafast metrology Konferenzpaper
- Time-resolved-photography and transient absorption spectroscopy of excited dielectrics by infrared ultrashort laser radiation Konferenzpaper
- Titanium nitride thin film deposition by Laser CVD Konferenzpaper
- ToF/Radar early feature-based fusion system for human detection and tracking Konferenzpaper
- Top Magazin Südwestsachsen Zeitschrift
- Topics in Catalysis Zeitschrift
- Topological transition from deeply sub- to near-wavelength ripples during multi-shot mid-IR femtosecond laser exposure of a silicon surface Journalartikel Konferenzpaper
- Topologieoptimierung mit nachgeschalteter CAD-Modellaufbereitung für die additive Fertigung Sammelbandbeitrag
- Topologieoptimierung und CAD- Modellaufbereitung für den 3D-Druck Sammelbandbeitrag
- Topology separation of discriminative sequence motifs located in membrane proteins with domains of unknown functions Konferenzposter
- Total Edge Irregularity Strength of the Cartesian Product of Bipartite Graphs and Paths Journalartikel
- Touch me - if you can. Zur Auswirkung digitaler Entwicklungen in der Live-Kommunikation. Sammelbandbeitrag
- Toward Community Standards and Software for Whole-Cell Modeling Journalartikel
- Towards a better understanding of students in the entry phase of their studies Journalartikel
- Towards a climate neutral future with Deutsche Bahn: Analysis of company policy until 2050 Konferenzpaper
- Towards a hybrid user interface for the visual exploration of large biomolecular networks using virtual reality Konferenzpaper
- Towards an Automated System for Music Event Detection Konferenzpaper
- Towards an integrated analysis of cryptorchidism in german sheep poodle Konferenzposter
- Towards Drone-assisted large-scale Disaster Response and Recovery Konferenzpaper