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- FRET assisted RNA modeling (PhD-Thesis) Vortrag
- FRET assisted structural model of a ribosomal tertiary contact Konferenzposter
- FRET-assisted integrative modeling: A workflow for RNA contact prediction Konferenzposter
- FRET-assisted integrative modeling: A workflow for RNA tertiary contact prediction Konferenzposter
- FRET-assisted RNA modeling Vortrag
- FRET-assisted RNA modeling Ausstellung
- FRET-assisted RNA modeling Konferenzposter
- FRET-assisted structural model of the GAAA RNA tetraloop receptor Ausstellung
- FRET-assisted structural modeling of RNA ensembles Vortrag
- FRET-assisted structural modeling of RNA ensembles Konferenzposter
- FRET-based integrative modeling for the characterization of an ribosomal RNA tertiary contact Vortrag
- FRET-guided integrative modelling of (ribo-)nucleic acids Vortrag
- FRET-guided integrative modelling of ncRNA - from single structures to a structural ensemble Vortrag
- FRET-guided integrative modelling of non-coding ribonucleic acids Vortrag
- FRET-guided integrative RNA tertiary contact modelling Vortrag
- From bees to bioweapons and AWK to R Gastvortrag
- From Computational to Synthetic Biology Vortrag
- From in vitro transcription to biophotonic assays: a complete RNA production line including RNA labeling Ausstellung
- From in vitro transcription to biophotonic assays: a complete RNA production line including RNA labeling Ausstellung Konferenzposter
- Front and rear surface ablation within gold films with variable film thickness induced by ultrafast laser radiation Vortrag
- Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft e.V. Konferenz
- futureSAX-Innovationsforum Konferenz
- futureSAX-Innovationskonferenz Ausstellung
- Fächerübergreifend Vortrag
- Förderung der Attrakivität und Nutzung von E-learning Angeboten Vortrag
- Fünf Jahre Saxony5 Besprechung
- Galvanic deposition of Iridium as catalyst for PEM electrolyzers Konferenzposter
- Gatersleben Research Conference - Applied Bioinformatics in Crops Konferenz
- Gelingensbedingungen für die Lernortkooperation Vortrag
- Gemeinsame Bundespressekonferenz Konferenz