Event RDF
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- The human conference Konferenz
- The jigsaw puzzle of genomics: Evaluation of sequencing and assembly strategies for Francisella tularensis, a re-emerging zoonotic pathogen Vortrag
- The new game in Town - The New Role of the Regulators to finance our common Future Gastvortrag
- The Politicization of the ‚Migrant Crisis’: A Comparative Analysis in six European and five African Countries of how the Press covered Migration from Africa to Europe Vortrag
- The prediction of feed content from Near-Infrared Data: A white-box workflow Vortrag
- The Real Tragedy of the Global Commons‘ am XIII INTERNATIONAL COLLOQUIUM Post-2008 Global Dynamics & Structural Changes: Economic, Political and Eco-Societal Transitions Vortrag
- The Second International Conference on Advances in Information Mining and Management Konferenz
- The Sixteenth International Conference on Mobile, Hybrid, and On-line Learning - eLmL 2024 Konferenz
- The Spirituality of Tomorrow- the Lugano hypothesis II: On society Vortrag
- The spread of drug resistance in P. vivax vs. P.falciparum malaria – the effect of hypnozoites Konferenzposter
- The TAO of Finance Besprechung
- The understanding of evolutionary conserved residue interactions based on sequence motif analysis Konferenzposter
- The Word is a slope: Die zwei Formen der Ungleichheit Vortrag
- The ‚Germanization’ of International Media Politics: Political Communication of German Publishing Companies in the ‚Newspaper Crisis’ and their Influence on European Media Policy Debates Vortrag
- Thermal spray in the age of additive technologies Workshop
- Thomas Villmann, Hochschule Mittweida Workshop
- Topology separation of discriminative sequence motifs located in membrane proteins with domains of unknown functions Konferenzposter
- Towards a sequence evolutionary model of Influenza A neuraminidase based on evolutionary couplings analysis and interpretable machine learning models Vortrag
- Towards an integrated analysis of cryptorchidism in german sheep poodle Konferenzposter
- Towards introducing nanopore sequencing to undergraduate education in biotechnology and computational biology Konferenzposter
- Transcriptome Analysis Of Hydrogen Producing Rhodobacter Spheroids 2.4.1 Vortrag
- Transfertagung der Projekte REGIOPART und LETHE. Kuturen ländlicher Nachbarschaft. Sozialraum und Erinnerung Konferenz
- Transferveranstaltung PAL Konferenz
- Transformation von Natur und Kultur, Wohin steuern wir? Gastvortrag
- TREC Video Retrieval Evaluation: TRECVID, National Institute of Standards and Technologies, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA Konferenz
- TRECVID Workshop Workshop
- Treffen der Supervisorinnen, Leipzig Konferenz
- Triangulierung - Mit dem Dritten sieht man besser Vortrag
- Tribologische Untersuchungen mikrostrukturierter B4C-Schichten Vortrag
- Tropenmedizin und Malariaforschung Vortrag