Sammelbandbeitrag RDF
Seiten:- PPP in Urban Development in Germany Illustrated - Using Two Pilot Projects
- Praktikum to Go – erste Schritte zu einem hybriden Physikpraktikum
- Privatization of Public Services in Leipzig: A Balancing Act between Efficiency and Legitimacy
- Process Automation in the Translation of Standard Language Texts into Easy-to-Read Texts – A Software Requirements Analysis
- Process for the machine specific analysis and modeling of the technology based energetical demand forecasts
- Production of High Strength Hollow Shafts Using Tool Hardening and Q-P Process
- Profession
- Profession, Disziplin und Geschlecht
- Professionalität
- Promoting dual careers of athletes: An innovative online learning and Management aaproach
- Promotionsrecht und Promotionsmöglichkeiten an Hochschulen für angewandte Wissenschaften - Diskussionsstand und Perspektiven
- Protein Interaction Network Analysis and Visualization of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803
- Prototype-based Models for the Supervised Learning of Classification Schemes
- Prototypes and matrix relevance learning in complex fourier space
- Präsenznahe und präsenzferne Lehr- und Lernformate: vom ACCESS-Vorkurs über Bachelor Industrial Engineering zum Master Industrial Management
- Psychologie und Geldsystem
- Quality Function Deployment (Mitarbeit)
- Quantification of geometric properties of melting zones in laser welding processes
- Quantification of geometric properties of the melting zone in laser-assisted welding
- Quantifizierung der geometrischen Eigenschaften von Schmelzzonen bei Laserschweißprozessen
- Quantum-inspired learning vector quantization for classification learning
- Quicker opening of bituminous Asphalt pavements to traffic by use of mechanical impedance measurements
- Re-Sequencing Rhodobacter sphaeroides strain 2.4.1 to facilitate understanding of varying hydrogen evolution rates
- Real-Time Activity Detection of Human Movement in Videos via Smartphone Based on Synthetic Training Data
- Real-Time Video Stream Reduction on Mobile Devices for Generation of Ground Truth Data for Indoor Localization
- Rechtliche, organisatorische und technische Verantwortlichkeiten beim Einsatz von Smart Services
- Region - Stachel oder Phantom in der Inklusionsdebatte
- Relational and median variants of Possibilistic Fuzzy C-Means
- Relative QT interval prolongation and electrical inhomogeneity of cardiac repolarization in childhood obesity
- Reliability and Maintenance: Networks and Systems