Sammelbandbeitrag RDF
Seiten:- An Iterative Data Cleansing and Migration Framework for Research Information Systems
- Innovative approaches to internationalization in rural South Africa: the case of the University of Venda.
- Mehr Verlässlichkeit für Menschen mit Behinderung: Hilfestellungen in der Wirksamkeits- und Wirkungsdebatte durch die Prinzipal-Agent-Theorie
- "Brokering” Behavior in Collaborative Learning Systems
- „Schuld und Sühne“ oder „Verbrechen und Strafen“? Der Schuldgedanke in Strafvollstreckung und Strafvollzug, insbesondere bei (lebens-)langen Freiheitsstrafen in der Justizvollzugsanstalt Waldheim
- 'Heimatfernsehen Sachsen' - Die Weiterentwicklung des privaten sächsischen Lokalfernsehmarktes
- 'Open Engineering' - Ein offenes Studienmodell zur Sicherung von Fachkräften im Engineering-Bereich
- (Invited) Electroreduction of CO2 (CO2RR) on Pyrolysed Transition Metal Porphyrins
- 2 Die „Flüchtlingskrise“: Ethische Herausforderungen für Medien in Europa und Afrika – Migrationsberichterstattung in 11 afrikanischen und europäischen Ländern
- 2021 5th International Symposium on Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Technologies (ISMSIT)
- 2022 16th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication (IMCOM)
- 300 Pfeiffen, 75 Mikrocontroller - ein verteiltes System
- A Clustering Approach to Detect mRNA-Degradation Patterns from DNA-Microarray Gene-Expression Data
- A Comment on the Functional L-Measure Regarding the Norm Properties
- A Comprehensive Crowd-sourcing Approach to Urban Flood Management
- A Framework for Generation of Testsets for Recent Multimedia Workflows
- A German Perspective on Supervision: Supervision between maintenance of, emancipation from or abnegation of the origins of social work?
- A Hybrid PAPR Reduction Scheme for OFDM Using SLM with Clipping at the Transmitter, and Sparse Reconstruction at the Receiver
- A Hybrid Time Management Approach to Agent-Based Simulation
- A Mathematical Model for Optimum Error-Reject Trade-Off for Learning of Secure Classification Models in the Presence of Label Noise During Training
- A multi-sensor and multi-temporal remote sensing approach to detect land cover change dynamics in heterogeneous urban landscapes
- A Novel Algorithm for Enhanced Structural Motif Matching in Proteins
- A Pan-Arctic Survey About The Meaning Of Winter Respiration For The Annual Carbon Balance In Northern High Latitudes
- A Scalable System Architecture for Activity Detection with Simple Heuristics
- A Walk in the Park - Was die Natur mit unserer Seele macht
- A Wound Has No Voice
- Abgrenzung des Energieverbrauchs in Verdichteranlagen für ein Energieaudit gemäß DIN EN 16247-1
- Accelerating laser processes with a smart two-dimensional polygon mirror scanner for ultra-fast beam deflection
- Acoustic Event Classification for Ambient Assisted Living and Health Environments
- Adaptation of Machine Learning Frameworks for Use in a Management Environment