Konferenzpaper RDF
Seiten:- Practicability of absorption measurements according to ISO/DIS 11 551
- Practicability of Absorption Measurements according to ISO/DIS 11551
- Preparation and properties of pulsed laser deposited diamond-like cabon films
- Preparation of super-hard coatings by pulsed laser deposition
- Preparation of superhard amorphous carbon films with low internal stress
- Press Politics by Media Management – Extra-organizational Strategies of German Newspaper Publishers in Media Policy Conflicts
- Principles of Laser Micro Sintering
- Proceedings of Seventh International Congress on Information and Communication Technology
- Process Assembly for µm-Scale SLS, Reaction Sintering, and CVD
- Process optimization in high-average-power ultrashort pulse laser microfabrication: how laser process parameters influence efficiency, throughput and quality
- Process Plant Layout Optimization: Equipment Allocation
- Processing of Silicon carbide by Laser Micro Sintering
- Production of microstructures in wide-band-gap and organic materials using pulsed laser ablation at 157 nm wavelength
- Produktivität und Qualität bei der Bohrungsherstellung mit ta-C beschichteten HSS-Wendelbohrern
- Programming of a Lightweight Robot Using Function Blocks and Sequential Function Charts
- Progress in laser micro sintering: new process improvements and sintering results with different metal powders.
- Proofs of Existence for Data in Cross-Company Blockchain Networks
- Properties of ion-assisted pulsed laser deposited h-BN/c-BN layer systems
- Properties of laser ablated amorphous carbon films
- Properties of Laser-Pulse Deposited Oxide-Films
- Properties of pulsed laser deposited boron nitride films
- Properties of pulsed laser deposited optical coatings
- Protein Expression Pipeline for Research on Folding Helper Proteins for Ribosomal RNA
- Prototype-based One-Class-Classification Learning Using Local Representations
- Prozessoptimierung für die generative Fertigung von Mikro-Wärmeübertragern
- Prozessoptimierung für die generative Fertigung von Mikro-Wärmeübertragern
- Prozessoptimierung für die generative Fertigung von Mikro-Wärmeübertragern
- Prozessvergleich zur Nutzung von kurzgepulster und kontinuierlicher Bestrahlung im Mikro-SLM
- Psychologisches Eigentum als Einflussfaktor auf die Verschiebung des Karriereendes im Spitzensport