Konferenzpaper RDF
Seiten:- The Politicization of the ‚Migrant Crisis’: A Comparative Analysis in six European and five African Countries of how the Press covered Migration from Africa to Europe
- The Power of Big Data and Rogue Algorithms: Critical Digital and Cultural Education in the 21st Century
- The Ukraine conflict and European media: A comparative study of quality newspapers in 13 European countries
- The ‘Strategic Ritual’ of Subjectivity – A practice and structuration theory approach towards the doing of subjective journalism
- The ‚Germanization’ of International Media Politics: Political Communication of German Publishing Companies in the ‚Newspaper Crisis’ and their Influence on European Media Policy Debates
- Theoretical analysis of second harmonic characteristics generated by KTiOPO4 crystal
- Theoretical and Experimental Studies of Laser-Induced Chemical Vapor-Deposition of Silicon Thin-Films
- Thermo-elastic wave model of the photothermal and photoacoustic signal
- Time Resolved Optomechanical Investigations on the Interaction of Laser Radiation with Glass in the Femtosecond Regime
- Time-resolved investigations of plasma and melt ejections in metals by pump-probe shadowgraphy
- Time-resolved white-light interferometry for ultrafast metrology
- Time-resolved-photography and transient absorption spectroscopy of excited dielectrics by infrared ultrashort laser radiation
- Titanium nitride thin film deposition by Laser CVD
- ToF/Radar early feature-based fusion system for human detection and tracking
- Topological transition from deeply sub- to near-wavelength ripples during multi-shot mid-IR femtosecond laser exposure of a silicon surface Journalartikel
- Towards a climate neutral future with Deutsche Bahn: Analysis of company policy until 2050
- Towards a hybrid user interface for the visual exploration of large biomolecular networks using virtual reality
- Towards an Automated System for Music Event Detection
- Towards Drone-assisted large-scale Disaster Response and Recovery
- Towards Hypothesis-driven Forensic Text Exploration System
- Towards Inter-Rater-Agreement-Learning
- Towards Intuitive Extended Reality-Based Robot Control and Path Planning: Comparison of Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality-Based Approaches
- Towards Semi-Automated Game Analytics: An Exploratory Study on Deep Learning-Based Image Classification of Characters in Auto Battler Games
- Transversals of Random Set Systems
- Trends der virtuellen und erweiterten Realität mit dem Fokus auf virtueller Inbetriebnahme
- Tribological properties of super-hard amorphous carbon (ta-C) layers microstructured by fs-laser pulses
- Tribologische Eigenschaften von mikrostrukturierten tetraedrisch gebundenen amorphen Kohlenstoffschichten (ta-C)
- Tribologische Untersuchungen an unstrukturierten und strukturierten tetraedrisch gebundenen amorphen Kohlenstoffschichten (taC - Schichten)
- Tribologische Untersuchungen mikrostrukturierter B4C-Schichten
- Trustworthiness and Confidence of Gait Phase Predictions in Changing Environments Using Interpretable Classifier Models