Journalartikel RDF
Seiten:- Integrierte Nutzung von Virtual Reality für die Materialbereitstellungsplanung
- Intelligente Ladesäule für Hybrid- und Elektrofahrzeuge
- Internationalisation and African Intellectual metissage: Capacity-enhancement through higher education in Africa
- Into another dimension: how streptophyte algae gained morphological complexity
- Intraspecific Competitive Divergence and Convergence under Assortative Mating
- Intraspecific hybrids of Arabidopsis thaliana revealed no gross alterations in endopolyploidy, DNA methylation, histone modifications and transcript levels
- Investigating the impact of multiple feeding attempts on mosquito dynamics via mathematical models
- Investigation of Activation Functions for Generalized Learning Vector Quantization
- Investigation of an interlaced laser beam scanning method for ultrashort pulse laser micromachining applications
- Investigation of Iridium Nanoparticles Supported on Sub-stoichiometric Titanium Oxides as Anodic Electrocatalysts in PEM Electrolysis. Part I.: Synthesis and Characterization
- Investigation of Tool Cooling and Heat Transfer Using Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations
- Investigations of qualitative aspects with burst mode ablation of silicon and cemented tungsten carbide
- Investigations on the modification of PMMA by ultrafast laser radiation from the UV to the mid-IR spectral range
- Ion and Laser-Induced Modification of Optical and Structural-Properties of i-Carbon Films
- Is increased mortality by multiple exposures to COVID-19 an overseen factor when aiming for herd immunity?
- Is increased mortality by multiple exposures to COVID-19 an overseen factor when aiming for herd immunity?
- Iterative Named Entity Recognition with Conditional Random Fields
- Joining of molybdenum thin films with copper printed circuit board by laser micro-riveting
- Jungbrunnen 2.0 - Wie Wissenschaft und Silicon Valley den Tod verschieben möchten
- Kernelized Vector Quantization in Gradient-Descent Learning
- Kindergrundsicherung in Deutschland: Zwischen Verfassungsauftrag und anhaltender Kinderarmut
- Klassifikation und Anwendung von digitalen Token
- Kombinierte Endbearbeitung hochbelastbarer Oberflächen : Fertigung hochbelastbarer Funktionsflächen durch virtuell unterstütze, kombinierte Endbearbeitung
- Kritik, Reflexion und Dekonstruktion. Der Einfluss der Frauen- und Geschlechterbewegungen auf die Soziale Arbeit.
- Kundenspezifische Kontrollwaagen
- Kunststoffgleitlager mit intelligenter Verschleißüberwachung
- Laboratory-Based Correlative Soft X-ray and Fluorescence Microscopy in an Integrated Setup
- Large and finite sample properties of a maximum-likelihood estimator for multiplicity of infection
- Laser beam sintering of thin alumina coatings on metals
- Laser bending of etched silicon microstructures