Journalartikel RDF
Seiten:- Fractional nonlinear heat equations and characterizations of some function spaces in terms of fractional Gauss–Weierstrass semi-groups
- Fracture-mechanical crack growth parameters of historical mild steels
- Freeform fabrication of dental inlays by laser micro-sintering
- FRET-based dynamic structural biology: Challenges, perspectives and an appeal for open-science practices
- FRET-guided modeling of nucleic acids
- FRETraj: Integrating single-molecule spectros-copy in molecular dynamics simulation
- From Diverse Perspectives to Unified Strategies: European University Alliances and the Development of Adaptable Science Communication Concepts
- Fundamental investigations of burst pulse laser ablation on WC-Co composites
- Fundamental investigations of ultrashort pulsed laser ablation on stainless steel and cemented tungsten carbide
- Für die Zukunft gewappnet? Risikomanagement in NPO
- Für immer dickere Schichten
- Galvanic deposited Ni-Ir electrocatalyst for electrolysers
- Galvanostatic Electrodeposition of Thin-Film Ir–Ni Electrocatalyst on Copper Foam for HER Performance in Alkaline Electrolyte
- Gene acquisition, duplication and metabolic specification: the evolution of fungal methylisocitrate lyases
- Generalized Hankel operators on the Fock space
- Generation of nano-voids inside polylactide using femtosecond laser radiation
- Genetic Hitchhiking under Heterogeneous Spatial Selection Pressures
- Genetic variation in CSF2 (5q31.1) is associated with longitudinal susceptibility to pediatric malaria, severe malarial anemia, and all-cause mortality in a high-burden malaria and HIV region of Kenya
- Genome-scale metabolic modeling of responses to polymyxins inPseudomonas aeruginosa
- GenoProof Mixture 3—New software and process to resolve complex DNA mixtures
- Geschlechterbewusste Soziale Arbeit
- Geschlechterbewusste Soziale Arbeit.
- Geschlechterverteilung eines Grabungsfunds aus der römischen Kaiser- und Völkerwanderungszeit
- Gesichtsweichteilrekonstruktion mithilfe einer Open-Source-Software
- Gesundheitsinventar Psychosomatik: Psychosomatische Basisdokumentation zur Qualitätssicherung im stationären Alltag
- Graph Operations and Neighborhood Polynomials
- Graph representation of high-dimensional alpha-helical membrane protein data
- Grenzen in Teams und Organisationen
- Grundlegende Untersuchungen zur Erzeugung von nano-kristallinen Diamant - Schichten mittels Laserpulsabscheidung (PLD)
- Gut Kombiniert! Spitzensport und Studium an der Hochschule Mittweida – 20 Jahre Partnerhochschule des Spitzensports