Journalartikel RDF
Seiten:- Domination Reliability
- Draft Genome Assembly of Rhodobacter sphaeroides 2.4.1 Substrain H2 from Nanopore Data
- Drug-target identification in COVID-19 disease mechanisms using computational systems biology approaches
- Dummyartikel
- Dynamical detection of optical phase changes during micro-welding of glass with ultra-short laser radiation
- Eco²-Screening Method Supporting SME-Product and Process Innovations in Electronics Manufacturing Services Sector
- Editing, validating and translating of SBGN maps
- Effect of laser-induced cavitation bubble on a thin elastic membrane
- Effectiveness of meditation for patients with chronic low back pain - Complementary Therapies in Medicine
- Efficiency of RNA extraction from selected bacteria in the context of biogas production and metatranscriptomics
- Efficient integration process of production data into Augmented Reality based maintenance of machine tools
- Efficient simultaneous fluorescence orientation, spectrum, and lifetime detection for single molecule dynamics
- Ein Markt im Wandel: Kundenorientierung in der modernen Wirtschaftsprüfung
- Eine Andere Art von Shanga - Neue Formen von Transzendenz und Gemeinschaftlichkeit
- Einschließungen und Ausgrenzungen im Spannungsfeld der sozialen Kategorien Geschlecht, Ethnizität und Religion. Intersektionale Perspektiven auf die Bildungsbiografien junger Musliminnen in Malaysia
- Einsparungen mit praxisferner Sanktionsvorschrift
- Electrodeposition and Performance of Bright Nickel–Rhenium Coatings Obtained from Watts-Type Electrolytes
- Electrodeposition of Ir–Co thin films on copper foam as high-performance electrocatalysts for efficient water splitting in alkaline medium
- Electron dynamics in fused silica after strong field laser excitation detected by spectroscopic imaging pump-probe ellipsometry
- Electron pathways involved in H 2 -metabolism in the green alga Scenedesmus obliquus
- Elevated SARS-CoV-2 in peripheral blood and increased COVID-19 severity in American Indians/Alaska Natives
- Energiemanagement - Ein Fall für den Facility Manager
- Energiemanagement und Energieaudit
- Enhanced X-ray Emissions Arising from High Pulse Repetition Frequency Ultrashort Pulse Laser Materials Processing
- Ensuring energy efficiency of settlements in Ukraine and EU countries: legal, economic and managerial aspects
- Entwicklung eines automatisierten Shootersystems für Großladungsträger
- Entwicklung eines berührungslosen Antriebs für Förderbänder
- Entwicklung von Handlungskompetenz in der Entrepreneurship Education durch den Einsatz von Service Learning als Erfahrungsraum
- eProS—a database and toolbox for investigating protein sequence–structure–function relationships through energy profiles
- Equal-channel angular pressing influencing the mean stress sensitivity in the high cycle fatigue regime of the 6082 aluminum alloy