Journalartikel RDF
Seiten:- Mobile Forensics -The End of a Golden Age?
- Modellhafte Entwicklung und prototypische Erprobung von Online-Self-Tests für Vorbereitungskurse zur Hochschulzugangsprüfung im MINT-Bereich (SELFFIT).
- Molecular Evidence for a Fe-Hydrogenase in the Green Alga Scenedesmus obliquus
- Molekulargenetische Studie an einem Grabungsfund aus der römischen Kaiser- und Völkerwanderungszeit (4./5. Jahrhundert) mittels autosomaler und Y-chromosomaler STR Marker
- MoNA: A Forensic Analysis Platform for Mobile Communication
- MoNA: Automated Identification of Evidence in Forensic Short Messages
- Multi imaging-based beam shaping for ultrafast laser-material processing using spatial light modulators
- Multi-class and Cluster Evaluation Measures Based on Rényi and Tsallis Entropies and Mutual Information
- Multi-proximity based embedding scheme for learning vector quantization-based classification of biochemical structured data
- Music Event Detection Leveraging Feature Selection based on Ant Colony Optimization
- Muster-Artikel 2
- Muster-Artikel 3
- Musterjournal
- Mutations in Plasmodium falciparum Kelch13 (PfK13) dysregulates PI3K/AKT signalling pathway in artemisinin resistance
- Myosin XI motors: back on the scene at the division machine
- Negotiating Life in Times of Crisis: The Transnational Return Migration of Refugee Adolescents and Young Adults from Germany to the Kurdistan Region of Iraq
- New multi-commodity flow formulations for the pooling problem
- New Strategies for Evaluation and Analysis of SELEX Experiments
- Non-destructive depth reconstruction of Al-Al2Cu layer structure with nanometer resolution using extreme ultraviolet coherence tomography
- Non-Euclidean Principal Component Analysis by Hebbian Learning
- Nonsynonymous amino acid changes in the α-chain of complement component 5 influence longitudinal susceptibility to Plasmodium falciparum infections and severe malarial anemia in kenyan children
- Novel Developments of the MetaCrop Information System for Facilitating Systems Biological Approaches
- Nucleate pool boiling heat transfer on etched and laser structured silicon surfaces
- Numeric promoter description – A comparative view on concepts and general application
- Numeric promoter description-A comparative view on concepts and general application
- Numerical simulation of DA white dwarf surface convection
- Nutrilyzer: A Tool for Deciphering Atomic Stoichiometry of Differentially Expressed Paralogous Proteins
- Nutrilyzer: A Tool for Deciphering Atomic Stoichiometry of Differentially Expressed Paralogous Proteins.
- Nähe trotz Distanz. Gelingende Beziehungsgestaltung in Pandemiezeiten
- OEZY - Optimising EnZYmeselection for best performing terminal restriction Fragment length polymorphism (TRFLP) Analysis using ARB