Journalartikel RDF
Seiten:- Potential Interactions of Medication Prescribed in Discharge Letters from a Clinic for Hematology and Oncology
- Potentials and limitations in production and use of herringbone gearings for high-performance gearboxes
- Potenzialanalyse ausgewählter Kryptowährungen
- Powder-Metallurgical Components in Process Engineering
- Predicting the combined effects of case isolation, safe funeral practices, and contact tracing during Ebola virus disease outbreaks
- Presence and User Experience in a Virtual Environment under the Influence of Ethanol: An Explorative Study
- Preventing COVID-19 spread in closed facilities by regular testing of employees – an efficient intervention in long-term care facilities and prisons
- Preventing COVID-19 spread in closed facilities by regular testing of employees—An efficient intervention in long-term care facilities and prisons?
- Probabilistic Learning Vector Quantization with Cross-Entropy for Probabilistic Class Assignments in Classification Learning
- Problem unabhängiger Journalismus in ASEAN. Medienzensur kontra Medienfreiheit
- Profiles of low complexity regions in Apicomplexa
- Projektcontrolling in der Praxis - Überblick zu ausgewählten Handlungsschwerpunkten
- Properties of boron carbide thin films deposited by pulsed laser deposition
- Prototype-based models in machine learning
- Prozessübergreifende Fertigung von metallischen Hochleistungsbauteilen
- Psychische Gesundheit erfolgreich stärken. Mental Health Checkup als Präventionsangebot bei der AUDI AG
- Psychologie des Fastens
- Puf6 primes 60S pre-ribosome nuclear export at low temperature
- Pulse-on-demand laser operation from nanosecond to femtosecond pulses and its application for high-speed processing
- Pulsed electrodeposition of iridium catalyst nanoparticles on titanium suboxide supports for application in PEM electrolysis
- Pulsed laser deposition of cubic boron nitride films at high growth rates
- Purification and Characterization of Cytochrome c6 from the Unicellular Green Alga Scenedesmus obliquus
- Qualitative evaluation of mobile cancer apps with particular attention to the target group, content, and advertising
- Qualitätsoptimierter Hochrateabtrag von Werkzeugstahl und Hartmetall mittels ultrakurzer Laserpulse im Burstbetrieb
- Quantification of growth-defense trade-offs in a common currency: nitrogen required for phenolamide biosynthesis is not derived from ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase turnover
- Quantum Computing Approaches for Vector Quantization— Current Perspectives and Developments
- Quantum-Hybrid Neural Vector Quantization – A Mathematical Approach
- Quantum-Inspired Learning Vector Quantization Basic Concepts and Beyond
- Quantum-inspired learning vector quantizers for prototype-based classification
- Real-time machine simulation using cutting force calculation based on a voxel material removal model