Journalartikel RDF
Seiten:- Adapting a capacity-development-in-higher-education project: Doing, being and becoming virtual collaboration
- Adapting a capacity-development-in-higher-education project: Doing, being and becoming virtual collaboration
- Age and gender effects on presence, user experience and usability in virtual environments–first insights
- AI-Based Multi Sensor Fusion for Smart Decision Making: A Bi-Functional System for Single Sensor Evaluation in a Classification Task
- Alexa, tell me - A forensic examination of the Amazon Echo Dot 3 rd Generation
- Alignment-free sequence comparison: A systematic survey from a machine learning perspective
- Ambivalenz und Triangulierung
- An algorithm to analyze stability of gene-expression patterns
- An algorithmic approach to analyse genetic networks and biological energy production: an introduction and contribution where OR meets biology†
- An analytical model for genetic hitchhiking in the evolution of antimalarial drug resistance
- An Application of the generailzed Matrx Learning Vector Quantization Method for Cut-off-line Classification of Automobile Headlights
- An Approach to Online Wear Out Monitoring of PCB Interconnects in Safety-Critical Systems
- An atomistic view on carbocyanine photophysics in the realm of RNA
- An automated way for conversion from CAD to virtual reality
- An integrated virtual screening and drug repurposing strategy for the discovery of new antimalarial drugs against Plasmodium falciparum phosphatidylinositol 3‐kinase
- An optimal fuzzy decision-making approach for laser powder bed fusion of AlSi10Mg alloy
- Analyse Biologischer Systeme: Von Datenmassen zum Modell
- Analysis of a σ54 Transcription Factor L420P Mutation in Context of Increased Organic Nitrogen Tolerance of Photofermentative Hydrogen Production in Cereibacter sphaeroides Strain 2.4.1 Substrain H2
- Analysis of SARS-CoV-2 RNA-Sequences by Interpretable Machine Learning Models
- Analytik NEWS
- Analyzing the Dietary Diary of Bumble Bee
- Anforderungen an den Virtuellen Zwilling aus Nutzersicht
- Ansatz der Studien(einstiegs)begleitung - SEB- Studien(einstiegs)begleitung - Interdisziplinäre Studienplattform 'Open Engineering'
- Ansätze einer innovativen Lehrgestaltung in den zu entwickelnden Studienangeboten der Studienplattform 'Open Engineering'
- Antimicrobial stewardship capacity and antibiotic utilisation practices in the Cape Coast Teaching Hospital, Ghana: A point prevalence survey study
- Anwendung der FDM Technologie für die Herstellung von Sensoren und Schutzstrukturen auf Textilien
- API-based evidence acquisition in the cloud - a survey
- Application of an interpretable classification model on Early Folding Residues during protein folding
- Appropriate Data Density Models in Probabilistic Machine Learning Approaches for Data Analysis
- Approximations for the hitchhiking effect caused by the evolution of antimalarial-drug resistance