Journalartikel RDF
Seiten:- Qualitative evaluation of mobile cancer apps with particular attention to the target group, content, and advertising
- Qualitätsoptimierter Hochrateabtrag von Werkzeugstahl und Hartmetall mittels ultrakurzer Laserpulse im Burstbetrieb
- Quantification of growth-defense trade-offs in a common currency: nitrogen required for phenolamide biosynthesis is not derived from ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase turnover
- Quantum Computing Approaches for Vector Quantization— Current Perspectives and Developments
- Quantum-Hybrid Neural Vector Quantization – A Mathematical Approach
- Quantum-Inspired Learning Vector Quantization Basic Concepts and Beyond
- Quantum-inspired learning vector quantizers for prototype-based classification
- Real-time machine simulation using cutting force calculation based on a voxel material removal model
- RecLVQ: Recurrent Learning Vector Quantization
- Reconsidering the incubation period of Marburg virus disease
- Recurrence relations and splitting formulas for the domination polynomial
- Redox control of hydrogenase activity in the green algaScenedesmus obliquusby thioredoxin and other thiols
- Reducing the number of monitor units in multileaf collimator field segmentation
- Reduction of particulate density in BN films prepared by pulsed laser deposition
- Regionale Identität und kulturelle Bildung. Dem Wandel ländlicher Gesellschaften eine Sprache geben
- Reliable State Identification and State Transition Detection in Fluorescence Intensity-Based Single-Molecule Förster Resonance Energy-Transfer Data
- Reply to: On the statistical foundation of a recent single molecule FRET benchmark
- Repurposing FDA‐approved drugs to target malaria through inhibition of dihydrofolate reductase in the folate biosynthesis pathway: A prospective approach
- Resource considerations for integrated planning of railway traffic and maintenance windows
- Ressourceneffiziente technologische Planung. ERP-basierte technologische Planung zur ressourceneffizienten Fertigung hochpräzisier Luftfahrtbauteile
- Restoration of Attention by Rest in a Multitasking World: Theory, Methodology, and Empirical Evidence
- Rezension: Cornelia Coenen-Marx: Die Seele des Sozialen. Diakonische Energien für den sozialen Zusammenhalt
- Rezension: Tim Tjettmers/Tim Hennig: Grundbildung im Strafvollzug. Bedarfe, Bedingungen und Ziele
- Rigorose Berechnungsverfahren in der Lasertechnik
- Ripple-Bildung in der Oberfläche von Metallen und Hartstoffen durch Bestrahlung mit Femtosekundenlaserstrahlpulsen
- Risikomanagement und Rating im Mittelstand
- Roboterautomation im Baukastensystem. Werkstückbeschickung von Werkzeugmaschinen schnell, einfach und günstig.
- Robustness of Generalized Learning Vector Quantization Models Against Adversarial Attacks
- Rotating spherical gap convection in the GeoFlow International Space Station (ISS) experiment
- Scheduling arc maintenance jobs in a network to maximize total flow over time