Journalartikel RDF
Seiten:- Maximization principles for frequency-dependent selection I: the one-locus two-allele case
- Maximization principles for frequency-dependent selection II: the one-locus multiallele case
- Mean stress sensitivity of the fatigue strength after equal-channel angular pressing of the aluminum alloys 6082 and 6060
- Measuring Competence: Improvements to Determine the Degree of Opinion Leadership in Social Networks
- Mechanisms of fatigue crack propagation in a Q&P-processed steel
- Median Variants of Learning Vector Quantization of Dissimilitary Data
- Meditation Based Lifestyle Modification (MBLM) in outpatients with mild to moderate depression: A mixed-methods feasibility study
- Meditation mit Mantras und Yantras in Natur und Medizin
- Meditation-Based Lifestyle Modification: Development of an Integrative Mind-Body Program for Mental Health and Human Flourishing
- Meditation‐based lifestyle modification in mild to moderate depression—A randomized controlled trial
- Meeting report from the fourth meeting of the Computational Modeling in Biology Network (COMBINE)
- Merkmalsextraktion aus klinischen Routinedaten mittels Text-Mining
- Metabolomics, Standards, and Metabolic Modeling for Synthetic Biology in Plants
- MetaCrop 2.0: managing and exploring information about crop plant metabolism
- Metal ions and sugar puckering balance single-molecule kinetic heterogeneity in RNA and DNA tertiary contacts
- Microstructure and mechanical properties of pulsed laser deposited boron nitride films
- Mikrostrukturierung von Quarzglas mittels Femtosekundenlaserstrahlung unterschiedlicher Wellenlängen
- Mikrostrukturierung von Quarzglas mittels Fluorlaser
- Mimicking the in vivo Environment – The Effect of Crowding on RNA and Biomacromolecular Folding and Activity
- Minimizing the regularity of maximal regular antichains of 2-sets and 3-sets
- Minimum cardinality non-anticipativity constraint sets for multistage stochastic programming
- Minimum rank and zero forcing number for butterfly networks
- Minimum Weight Flat Antichains of Subsets
- Mixed integer programming based maintenance scheduling for the Hunter Valley coal chain
- Mobile Forensics -The End of a Golden Age?
- Modellhafte Entwicklung und prototypische Erprobung von Online-Self-Tests für Vorbereitungskurse zur Hochschulzugangsprüfung im MINT-Bereich (SELFFIT).
- Molecular Evidence for a Fe-Hydrogenase in the Green Alga Scenedesmus obliquus
- Molekulargenetische Studie an einem Grabungsfund aus der römischen Kaiser- und Völkerwanderungszeit (4./5. Jahrhundert) mittels autosomaler und Y-chromosomaler STR Marker
- MoNA: A Forensic Analysis Platform for Mobile Communication
- MoNA: Automated Identification of Evidence in Forensic Short Messages