Journalartikel RDF
Seiten:- The COVID-19 pandemic preparedness simulation tool: CovidSIM
- The Creativity Response or How to Improve the Learning Curve in Our Society
- The Data Visualisation and Immersive Analytics Research Lab at Monash University
- The effect of plasma electrolytic oxidation on the mean stress sensitivity of the fatigue life of the 6082 aluminum alloy
- The effectiveness of 360° videos for environmental communication. Exploring the impact of different types of storytelling
- The enumeration of vertex induced subgraphs with respect to the number of components
- The Game Effect: Comparison of Game and Nongame Learning Environments Using the Example of “Arctic Economy”
- The Hitchhiking Effect of a Strongly Selected Substitution in Male Germline on Neutral Polymorphism in a Monogamy Population
- The impact of COVID-19 vaccination campaigns accounting for antibody-dependent enhancement
- The influence of Re content on microstructure, grain size, microhardness and abrasion resistance of electrodeposited Ni–Re alloy coatings
- The LAILAPS Search Engine: Relevance Ranking in Life Science Databases
- The LVQ-based Counter Propagation Network -- an Interpretable Information Bottleneck Approach
- The many definitions of multiplicity of infection
- The observation of evolutionary interaction pattern pairs in membrane proteins
- The potential of collaborative online international learning as a border thinking third space for global citizenship education
- The Real Tragedy of the Commons – Garrett Hardin (1968) Revised
- The real Tragedy of the Commons- How to Finance our Future
- The Resolved Mutual Information Function as a Structural Fingerprint of Biomolecular Sequences for Interpretable Machine Learning Classifiers
- The Role of Dietary Supplements in Depression and Anxiety – A Narrative Review
- The Role of Higher Education Institutions in Community Based Peacebuilding in South Africa
- The Saturation Spectrum for Antichains of Subsets
- The Ukraine conflict and the European media: A comparative study of newspapers in 13 European countries
- The Zero Forcing Number of Graphs
- The ‘TAO of Finance’—Initiative of WAAS: ‘Financing our Future = Future of Finance’
- Thermoelectrohydrodynamic convection in parallel plate capacitors under dielectric heating conditions
- Time-resolved visualization of high-repetition ultrashort pulse laser ablation
- Topological transition from deeply sub- to near-wavelength ripples during multi-shot mid-IR femtosecond laser exposure of a silicon surface Konferenzpaper
- Total Edge Irregularity Strength of the Cartesian Product of Bipartite Graphs and Paths
- Toward Community Standards and Software for Whole-Cell Modeling
- Towards a better understanding of students in the entry phase of their studies