Journalartikel RDF
Seiten:- Defining the Minimum Essential Levels of Socio-Economic Rights: The Role of Comparative Analysis in Delimiting the Minimum Core of Socio-Economic Rights
- „Entscheidend ist, irre gut zuzuhören“. Widerstand als Chance für nachhaltige Schul- und Unterrichtsentwicklung am Beispiel des Erfahrungsberichts einer Preisträgerschule des Deutschen Schulpreises
- 3D-Stereoscopic Immersive Analytics Projects at Monash University and University of Konstanz
- A blind benchmark of analysis tools to infer kinetic rate constants from single-molecule FRET trajectories
- A cadaver-based biomechanical model of acetabulum reaming for surgical virtual reality training simulators
- A Comprehensive Framework for High Resolution Image-based 3D Modeling and Documentation of Crime Scenes and Disaster Sites
- A Distributed Analytics Platform to Execute FHIR-based Phenotyping Algorithms
- A Dual of the Rectangle-Segmentation Problem for Binary Matrices
- A duality based algorithm for multileaf collimator field segmentation with interleaf collision constraint
- A flexible age-dependent, spatially-stratified predictive model for the spread of COVID-19, accounting for multiple viral variants and vaccines
- A game theoretical model of survival strategies of Candida albicans inside marcrophages
- A Highly Fluorescent Nucleobase Molecular Rotor
- A Likelihood Approach to Estimate the Number of Co-Infections
- A lower bound on the zero forcing number
- A maximum-likelihood method to estimate haplotype frequencies and prevalence alongside multiplicity of infection from SNP data
- A Meta Algorithm for Interpretable Ensemble Learning: The League of Experts
- A method for studying cell division in Nicotiana benthamiana pavement cells based on Agrobacterium infiltration
- A minimum cost flow formulation for approximated MLC segmentation
- A multilocus-multiallele analysis of frequency-dependent selection induced by intraspecific competition
- A new promising joining technology
- A new twist on PIFE: photoisomerisation-related fluorescence enhancement
- A polynomially solvable case of the pooling problem
- A Population Genetic Model for the Initial Spread of Partially Resistant Malaria Parasites under Anti-Malarial Combination Therapy and Weak Intrahost Competition
- A primer on pollen assignment by nanopore-based DNA sequencing
- A reclaimer scheduling problem arising in coal stockyard management
- A Recursive Formula for the Two-Edge Connected and Biconnected Reliability of a Complete Graph
- A Time for Solidarity! Statement of The World Academy of Art and Science
- Abbildung von Prozessketten in Virtual Reality/Process chain representation in virtual reality
- Ablation characteristics on silicon from ultrafast laser radiation containing single MHz and GHz burst pulses
- Ablation of steel using picosecond laser pulses in burst mode